Welcome to
Automagic inferno

A tale of daemons and world eating creatures, powered by AI.
This is a playground for my ideas and miniseries.
A dark and chaotic world where anything can happen.

the trapped nouns

The trapped nouns

A group of curious Rinkeby Nouns, attracted by the possibility of a better life, stole an experimental ultrasound wrapping machine and tried to cross to the Ethereum main net, without fully understanding the technology behind it.

Their attempt was a failure: Testnet nouns could not handle the ultrasound wrapping experience and remain trapped in ghost form, in a glitchy loop of misery and despair between two worlds.

The ones who returned

A tale of daemons and world eating creatures, powered by the right mix of AI magic and human curation. Inspired by the legend of the legacy 0xmons who, forgotten and abandoned decided to cross plane and relocate on-chain.

The description of each Daemon is powered by an AI trained on Lovecraft work and the musics are computer generated based on colours and movement of each daemon.

Rewards for holders - delivered

  • The Encyclopedia of Daemon breeder

    This Encyclopedia is made of 500 pages, most of them are lost, scattered across Squiggle land after the first great war. A Handfull of skilled daemon breeder manage to get hold to some of the pages and used them for a mating rituals on the night of Halloween 2021.

  • A mysterious egg

    Daemons are polyamorous creatures, and when more than 2 daemons mate together, something magical happens. If you had 5 daemons in your wallet during the night of Halloween, you will be airdropped this mysterious dark Egg which my come handy during the squiggle war.

Rewards for holders - Coming soon

  • Baby Daemons

    After the mating frenzy, many daemons began to gestate but no one knows for how long - the baby Daemon will be minted only when the timing is right!

  • Custom Artworks

    I have collaborated with many of the OG holders in creating pieces meaningful to them. The best ones will be launched as miniseries, with some interesting twists.

Sweet dreams: genesis

The first 47 humans who assisted the daemons ritual mating dance were affected in ways that is impossible to describe. These GAN generated creatures are the first members of the Shadow council.

From time to time, the shadow council will summons creatures of every kind, for the benefit of all members of the Automagic inferno.

What’s next:


A tale of war and horrors, inspired by the recent world events.

A free to mint collection on Optimism, for all holders of the Automagic Inferno. Learn more

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